Tama Day Featuring Jeff Seitz at Dale’s Drum Shop in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
July 17, 2010 | Posted in ROCK | By sockii

July 17, 2010 was “Tama Day” at Dale’s Drum Shop in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. To celebrate the event, not only was the president of the U.S division of Tama Drums, Bill Reim, at Dale’s Drum Shop, but Jeff Seitz held a drum clinic and Q&A session. Jeff is most well-known for being Stewart Copeland’s drum tech for over thirty years…
Sexual Harassment and Assault at Dragon*Con 2010
July 15, 2010 | Posted in CONVENTIONS, COSTUMING & COSPLAY | By sockii

Following the 2010 Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Georgia, disturbing reports of sexual harassment and other assaults suffered by convention attendees have begun surfacing on the internet.