MasterChef US Season Four: May 29, 2013 Episode recap & review (Part 2)
May 30, 2013 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

The second hour begins, and we have 19 chefs who have made it through to this point of the competition. Clearly they are excited and there’s lots of oohing and aahing as they are shown the pantry and allowed to take their places at their stations…
MasterChef US Season Four: May 29, 2013 Episode recap & review (Part 1)
May 30, 2013 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

Week two of MasterChef Season 4 is off to a fast start! Last year we had three full weeks of audition episodes; this season it’s crammed into two weeks, with only a short part of this new episode devoted to the actual 5-minute cooking tryouts in front of the judges…
MasterChef US Season Four: May 22, 2013 Episode recap & review
May 23, 2013 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

Tonight we’re seeing the supposed “Top 100″ getting to cook their dishes for the judges: Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot and Joe Bastianich. So of course the first gimmick begins with Joe scorching some moola in a pan, saying “If you’re just here for the cash, leave now.” Graham showcases a trophy as if that’s the main reason to win. We’ll see…