“After Dachau” by Daniel Quinn
March 25, 2014 | Posted in SCIENCE FICTION | By sockii

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” Those famous words spoken by Napoleon summarize one of the major themes of Daniel Quinn’s After Dachau. Published in 2001, this novel is far from the first to propose an alternative history wherein…
Creator interactions with the fan fiction community
March 24, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

Almost from the start of modern fan fiction community history, the creators were aware of fan fiction. Early interactions can be traced back to 1966 when a young writer named Joy Hill sent a note to J.R.R. Tolkien asking if…
Book Review: “After Ben” by Con Riley
March 23, 2014 | Posted in LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

A year ago, Theo Anderson unexpectedly lost his longtime partner Ben. Since then, he’s been living in a state of limbo, grieving for his loss and unable to fully move on with his life. Beyond his job, the only thing…
Teens in fandom
March 22, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY | By from the archives

The fan fiction community has always had minors in it. This dates back to the early 1970s. Given this and the issues of adult content, many fanzines started requiring age statements before zines would be put in the post or…
Classic TV Rewind: The Equalizer
March 22, 2014 | Posted in CULT TV | By sockii

Another great action series of the 80s, one which had a more thoughtful and serious tone than many others of the decade, was The Equalizer. The series ran for four seasons on the CBS network, from 1985 – 1989, and
Bandfic as RPF
March 21, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

Bandfic as RPF ActorFic is traditional media fan fic, bandfic is not fan fiction and there is no such thing as Real Person Fic By Laura Hale This essay was originally published May 2006 on FanHistory.com The fan fiction community
History of feedback
March 20, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

A historical perspective on Feedback By Laura Hale This essay was originally published May 2005 at FanHistory.com. Feedback. It seems like these days that almost everyone wants it. They can never get enough of it. Authors never seem to get the
What is fan fiction history?
March 20, 2014 | Posted in CULTURE & HISTORY, FAN FICTION | By from the archives

What is fan fiction history? By Laura Hale This essay was originally published June 2005 at FanHistory.com. One of the things of interest to a number of fan fiction scholars is the history of fan fiction. On the outside, it
The 90s: The Greatest Decade of Genre TV?
March 19, 2014 | Posted in CULT TV | By sockii

Today, genre television (that is, programming that is science fiction, fantasy or horror-themed) is seeing a significant upsurge in popularity. There are well-liked cable and network series such as The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Sleepy Hollow, American Horror
Classic TV Rewind: Riptide
March 18, 2014 | Posted in CULT TV | By sockii

Riptide was an Amercian television series which aired for three seasons from 1983-1986 on NBC—and it’s one of my favorite “long lost” TV shows of the 80s as well. Created by Stephen J. Cannell and Frank Lupo, Riptide was similar