Miles Davis and His Parisian Love Affair
March 28, 2015 | Posted in JAZZ | By Jason Sositko

Miles’ first trip to Paris Yes, it is true, Miles Davis did indeed have a love affair with Paris France. Miles Said: ” It changed the way I looked at things forever, Paris was where I noticed, that not all
The Electric Jazz Rock and Funk of Miles Davis 1969-1975
March 26, 2015 | Posted in JAZZ, ROCK | By Jason Sositko

Experimental rock, funk, and a bit of Jazz The electric music of Miles Davis, a style of music that would form almost his entire discography from 1969 until his death at age 65 in 1991. Typically the music Miles recorded
H G Wells And Orson Welles Meeting in 1940

H G Wells, who was travelling in the United States on a lecture tour, and safely away from the Luftwaffe bombing in Europe and London, expressed great amusement at the similarity of the names, Wells & Welles. He jokingly advises Orson Welles to drop the unnecessary extra e.
Radio Play Review – The War Of The Worlds
March 26, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, HORROR, SCIENCE FICTION, SCIENCE FICTION | By Arthur Chappell

The panic, which would be greatly exaggerated in the weeks following the broadcast, could only happen during the more realistic fake live news reports portion of the play, but even there, events move far too quickly to be credible.
Gilbert Stuart’s Portrait of George Washington
March 26, 2015 | Posted in TRADITIONAL ART AND PAINTING | By sockii

When one thinks of America’s first president, George Washington, the image that likely comes to mind is the likeness captured by American painter Gilbert Stuart. After all, his “Portrait of George Washington” – also known as “The Athenaeum Portrait” – became the basis for the image on the American one dollar bill…
Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds
March 25, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, CLASSICS, COMEDY, FANTASY, HISTORICAL | By Arthur Chappell

Theatre Review – Aristophanes – Birds Spoiler alerts – c.5 BC Greek comedy is a medium I usually find mildly amusing, raunchy and philosophical, but not particularly funny. Even other works by Aristophanes, such as Lysistrata, in which
Four Classic Albums in Two Days: Creating History With the Miles Davis Quintet 1956
March 25, 2015 | Posted in JAZZ | By Jason Sositko

The first classic quintet The two recording sessions from May 11, and Oct. 26, 1956 from Miles Davis that produced Cookin’ Relaxin’ Steamin’ and Workin’ are widely considered the 2 greatest sessions in jazz history. The fact it turned out
Science Fiction Play Review – Karel Capek – R U R
March 25, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, SCIENCE FICTION | By Arthur Chappell

1920 – Spoiler alerts A rarely seen in performance SF masterpiece and the stage play that first introduced the word Robots into the language. R U R standing for Rossum’s Universal Robots. The story is Frankenstein in mass
Reduce the Footprint of Your Physical Media Collection
March 25, 2015 | Posted in MEDIA | By Jason Sositko

Ways to Reduce the Space that Your Physical Media Collection Takes Up OK, I am a music freak! Jazz, blues, rock, world music, and many other genres known more for their obscurity than their popularity. I am also a terrible
Where to Buy Cheap Vinyl Records
March 15, 2015 | Posted in VINYL RECORDS | By Jason Sositko

Billions of LP’s and 45’s are out there waiting for you to find: Note: This article was originally written in 2012 then moved to this site a few years later. I have added periodic updates since, the most current update