The Rain Trilogy by Joseph A. Turkot
March 14, 2015 | Posted in HORROR, SCIENCE FICTION | By sockii

What if one day it started raining…and it never, ever stopped?
That’s the unique premise behind Joseph A. Turkot’s post-apocalypse trilogy The Rain, which follows a pair of determined survivors on a treacherous journey across what’s left of America…
What Is Band Fanfiction?
March 12, 2015 | Posted in FAN FICTION | By sockii

You may be familiar with fan-fiction based on popular movies, books and tv series like Star Trek or Harry Potter. But what about fan-fiction based on popular music groups?
The 3 Most Important Miles Davis Albums For the Contemporary Musician
March 4, 2015 | Posted in JAZZ, PROGRESSIVE ROCK | By Jason Sositko

Miles brought many diverse genres together Here in the 21st Century world music is king, all types of sounds are emanating from diverse parts of the globe, they are finding their way into every contemporary music imaginable. Miles Davis used