TV Review – The UK Television Election Debate 2015

April 3, 2015 | Posted in CULTURE & SOCIETY, TELEVISION | By

Mystery Writers by Nana B Agyei on Flickr

Farrage really showed his true nature by claiming most immigrants in Britain are from Communist Countries and that we are spending more money on treating foreign AIDS sufferers than our own nationals who have AIDS. Leanne Wood’s simple retort that he should be ashamed of himself drew the strongest audience applause of the night. She clearly saw dealing with sickness of any kind as a purely human service to offer all, regardless of nationality.

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Why Artists Should Avoid Vanity Galleries

April 2, 2015 | Posted in ART BUSINESS | By

Photograph by BurnAway at Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

I am a visual artist as well as a freelance writer, and some time ago received an email which piqued my curiosity…

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Going Off the Score with Stewart Copeland and Jon Kimura Parker

April 2, 2015 | Posted in CLASSICAL, JAZZ, LIVE MUSIC | By

The Off the Score Ensemble

An impressive ensemble of talented, diverse musicians recently completed a 5-date tour of college concert halls across the United States. Led by legendary drummer and composer Stewart Copeland and award-winning pianist Jon Kimura Parker, the band led listeners “Off the Score” with an energetic, challenging and varied collection of music that ranged from Igor Stravinsky to Paul Schoenfield, from re-interpreted Police songs to newly-commissioned classical work.

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How Many Real Ale Pubs Should A Local Real Ale Society Handle?

April 2, 2015 | Posted in CULTURE & SOCIETY | By

Mystery Writers by Nana B Agyei on Flickr

CAMRA, Britain’s biggest real ale campaigning group, divides its national membership into regional and local branches. Cities such as Manchester, London, Birmingham, Glasgow, etc., have several branches serving different corridors, and some will still be expected to cover a wide area.

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Real Ale Magazines And Newsletters

April 2, 2015 | Posted in AUTHOR BLOGS | By

Mystery Writers by Nana B Agyei on Flickr

Greater Manchester has two major free distribution real ale magazines in circulation, one for South Manchester, promoted from Stockport, and a North Manchester based magazine too. They are created by volunteer editors and contributors and paid for through their advertising – mostly by local breweries and pubs.

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Issues With Real Ale Society Branch Pub Crawls

April 2, 2015 | Posted in AUTHOR BLOGS | By

Mystery Writers by Nana B Agyei on Flickr

Attendance on the crawl was low, possibly due to terrible weather, but with three of the five bars being visited for the first time by most of us, the crawl deserved better support than we gave it.

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Diary Monday 30th March 2015


Mystery Writers by Nana B Agyei on Flickr

The first writer created a longer (thirty minute) script about a killer joining a space-shot as a means to escape justice – the playlet incorporated man lines from Beatles songs as it was aimed at a competition themed around Beatles work. It was very entertaining and I hope it does well for him in the competition.

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