Tips for Painting Realistic Flesh Tones in Oil
September 26, 2015 | Posted in TRADITIONAL ART AND PAINTING | By sockii

Ask any artist who does portrait or figure painting and they will tell you that mixing and applying realistic flesh tones is one of the hardest challenges they face…
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 20 Recap and Review: September 16 2015
September 19, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

It’s here at last: the grand finale of another season of MasterChef. Tonight it will be Claudia facing off against Derrick in the standard three-part battle of appetizer, entree and dessert
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 19 Recap and Review: September 16 2015
September 18, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

The lights come on in the MasterChef kitchen and Stephen, Claudia and Derrick enter. Claudia says she has “grown and changed” so much since this journey began and she’s setting the example for her daughter…
Paestum: Magnificent Greek (and Roman) Ruins in Southern Italy
September 17, 2015 | Posted in ARCHEOLOGY, HISTORIC PLACES | By sockii

Usually when we talk of important archeological sites in Italy, we focus on Roman ruins: the Forum of Rome, the lost cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, or the aqueducts and catacombs along the Appian Way…
Bloodline. The Story of Sarah.
September 11, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

We are finally shown the story of Sarah. The sister whose tragic death is what tore the Rayburn family apart. Danny awakes from his dream of her, his sister who died so young, to the wailings of his mother on
Netflix Original Series Bloodline Continues to Thrill with Darker Secrets.
September 11, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

Episode two brings the family together to rally around their father Robert who is in the hospital after suffering a stroke. As the last person to see their father before the stroke, Danny finds himself at the center of his
Netflix Delivers Bloodline: When the Beautiful go Adrift
September 10, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

With the backdrop of the Florida Keyes, it shouldn’t take much to create a story worth watching. Netflix original series Bloodline has turned out to be more than worthy of the visual effects. Sissy Spacek, Sam Shepard and Kyle Chandler
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 18 Recap and Review: September 9 2015
September 10, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

Last week we said goodbye to Katrina, after she failed to impress with a Mystery Box of classic Italian ingredients and served up raw veal. Who will be going home tonight? It’s down to Claudia, Nick, Stephen and Derrick and the episode begins with…
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 17 Recap and Review: September 2 2015
September 3, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

Last week, Hetal was sent home after failing to impress with a trio of pasta dishes. That’s left us with Claudia, Stephen, Derrick, Katrina and Nick in the top five.