Bloodline. The Story of Sarah.
September 11, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

We are finally shown the story of Sarah. The sister whose tragic death is what tore the Rayburn family apart. Danny awakes from his dream of her, his sister who died so young, to the wailings of his mother on
Netflix Original Series Bloodline Continues to Thrill with Darker Secrets.
September 11, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

Episode two brings the family together to rally around their father Robert who is in the hospital after suffering a stroke. As the last person to see their father before the stroke, Danny finds himself at the center of his
Netflix Delivers Bloodline: When the Beautiful go Adrift
September 10, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, TELEVISION | By Nanci Arvizu

With the backdrop of the Florida Keyes, it shouldn’t take much to create a story worth watching. Netflix original series Bloodline has turned out to be more than worthy of the visual effects. Sissy Spacek, Sam Shepard and Kyle Chandler
The Judge Is A Movie Not To Miss
June 18, 2015 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES | By Nanci Arvizu

The Judge is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. I know it’s been out for awhile – 2014. I think I remember the trailer. And I might have been interested to see it back then.
Science Fiction Author Spins New Tales From the Classics
June 4, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, BOOKS, FANTASY, SCIENCE FICTION | By Nanci Arvizu

When I was a kid, on TV, there was Star Trek. Black and white and only at grandmas. For some reason, grandma got better channels than we did. She also got Gilligan’s Island, the Mickey Mouse Club and I Dream
Women Rocking Cosplay Scene at Phoenix Comicon 2015
May 31, 2015 | Posted in CONVENTIONS, COSTUMING & COSPLAY | By Nanci Arvizu

If you live in Phoenix and see Wonder Woman crossing the street, don’t be alarmed, she’d not chasing down a bad guy. Chances are, she’s headed to Phoenix Comicon. Every comic book lover, steampunk junkie and people who just love
Should I switch from Mac to a PC world?
May 27, 2015 | Posted in TECHNOLOGY | By Nanci Arvizu

I’ve been using a Mac, iPad and iPhone for almost 5 years and it’s time to start thinking about an upgrade. Before anything crashes. Transitioning from the PC world was fairly simple. I’d been living in a mixed world, PC
Phoenix Comicon 2015 is days away. Is your cosplay costume ready?
May 27, 2015 | Posted in CONVENTIONS, COSTUMING & COSPLAY | By Nanci Arvizu

Surely you have more than one costume for the 4-day event? No? Don’t worry, there will be many vendors there, ready to get you suited up in no time. Okay, maybe not for this con, but if you start now