Becoming a Craft Show Vendor, Part 2: What You Need to Get Started, Besides Your Crafts
August 28, 2014 | Posted in CRAFTING BUSINESS | By sockii

If you’ve decided that yes, you are interested in giving vending a try, then you are ready to start preparing for shows. To be well prepared, you must know what kind of display fixtures and other materials you will require – besides your craft inventory, of course…
Becoming a Craft Show Vendor, Part 1: Is Vending Right for You?
August 28, 2014 | Posted in CRAFTING BUSINESS | By sockii

If you enjoy making crafts, and love spending time shopping and browsing at craft shows, you might be wondering if becoming a craft vendor could be a successful business venture for you. Whether as a way to make some extra money on the side, or potentially as a new career path, selling at craft fairs can appear to be an exciting way to do something you love as more than just a hobby…
A Guide to Buying Jewelry Findings, Stones and Materials for the Home Crafter
April 26, 2014 | Posted in JEWELRY | By sockii

“Where Do You Find Your Beads?” Well, let me tell you… It’s one of the most common questions I get asked when I’m working a craft show or jewelry market: “Where do you get your beads?” Shoppers (and other jewelry