Movie Review The Angels’ Share
April 6, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By Arthur Chappell

Robbie also learns of an auction of a rare malt-whisky that could be worth a million pounds, and hits on a plan to steal some for a private collector, using his Community Service chums to help him out.
Exorcist III: Underrated Horror Film From 1990
February 3, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By Jason Sositko

Almost as good as the original I know that is a lofty statement, saying that this William Peter Blatty directed Exorcist rivals the original William Friedkin film. I have seen some very mixed reviews on the Exorcist III, that was
Taxi Driver: A Psychological Thriller That Stays With You
January 17, 2015 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By Jason Sositko

*Spoiler Alert* Martin Scorsese’s 1976 epic Taxi Driver is one of those films that take more than one viewing to absorb it all to understand. I think I was in my early 20’s the first time I watched the movie,
Marilyn Monroe’s First Starring Role: Dont Bother To Knock
May 5, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, MOVIES, THRILLER | By writerjoanne

I thought had seen Marilyn Monroe all her major film roles. However, one day while searching through the classic movie selection in a store, I came across one I had never heard of before. It was called Don’t Bother
A Simple Plan: A Brilliant Movie That You Won’t Forget
April 24, 2014 | Posted in MOVIES, THRILLER | By writerjoanne

A Simple Plan is a haunting, suspenseful story that you won’t forget. It stayed with me for quite awhile after seeing it for the first time. Subsequent viewings have not diminished the suspense. It builds slowly at first, but as
A Lack of Gravity
October 13, 2013 | Posted in SCIENCE FICTION, THRILLER | By sockii

Incredible special effects but tiresome Hollywood storytelling in “Gravity” Why I enjoyed – but had some problems – with this 2013 science fiction thriller. I don’t go to the movies a lot these days – there aren’t many titles that