MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 3 Recap and Review: May 27 2015
May 29, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

Last week on MasterChef, we (briefly) met the top 40 contestants for this season, which was then whittled down to 20 in a series of head to head battles, plus a final cook-off for 6 chefs who got a second chance to earn a white apron.
My MasterChef Open Call Experience – New York 2012
May 27, 2015 | Posted in REALITY TV | By sockii

Auditioning for a reality television series is not something I had ever dreamed of or planned on doing. But in November of 2012, I spent the day lined up with hundreds other hopefuls in New York City, wishing for just one thing…
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 2 Recap and Review: May 20 2015
May 22, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

We’re back for the continuation of the season premiere, where the top forty home cooks in America (picked by FOX, at least) had to battle it out for their place in the top twenty. Each had to face off against another hopefully in a battle of signature dishes, based on their common theme or ingredient…
MasterChef US Season 6 Episode 1 Recap and Review: May 20 2015
May 21, 2015 | Posted in EPISODE RECAPS, REALITY TV | By sockii

This week we have a special 2-part premiere episode of MasterChef, so I’m going to divide this recap into two separate posts (part two to follow shortly). There are a lot of new hopeful home chefs to meet – and a new judge as well – so let’s not waste any more time on getting started, shall we?
MasterChef US Season 5: Where Are They Now?
May 11, 2015 | Posted in REALITY TV | By sockii

A new season of MasterChef US is set to begin in a few weeks (May 20, 2015 on the FOX network, to be exact), so it’s time for my annual round up of the previous season’s contestants: Where are they now? Who has gone back to his or her “day job”, and who has gone on to pursue a dream of working in the food and cooking industry?
Television Review The Avengers The Maneater Of Surrey Green

Maneater is quite different – Drawing on both The Quatermass Experiment and Invasion Of The Body Snatchers as an influence, with a hint of The Day Of The Triffids, this deals with an alien plant form trying to take over Middle-England.
TV Review Thunderbirds Are Go

Homages to the Anderson originals were strong; the whole solar panel threat to a city threat was a reprise of Lord Parker’s Holiday, John watching Stingray on TV, etc.
TV Review – The UK Television Election Debate 2015
April 3, 2015 | Posted in CULTURE & SOCIETY, TELEVISION | By Arthur Chappell

Farrage really showed his true nature by claiming most immigrants in Britain are from Communist Countries and that we are spending more money on treating foreign AIDS sufferers than our own nationals who have AIDS. Leanne Wood’s simple retort that he should be ashamed of himself drew the strongest audience applause of the night. She clearly saw dealing with sickness of any kind as a purely human service to offer all, regardless of nationality.
Radio Play Review – The Saint – The Connelly Silver Mine
March 30, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, BOOKS, CULT TV, TELEVISION | By Arthur Chappell

Though certainly best remembered for Roger Moore’s long running Pre-James Bond series, and the sequel (The Return Of The Saint) starring Ian Ogilvy, as well as a dire big budget movie starring Val Kilmer, The Saint was also extensively played on radio, most popularly, by Vincent Price between 1947 and 1951.
Win or Lose, Andrew Zappley is South Jersey’s MasterChef Junior Hero
February 25, 2015 | Posted in REALITY TV | By sockii

West Deptford’s own Andrew Zappley.
While I haven’t been doing weekly recaps of MasterChef Junior Season 3 as I have in the past, I’ve still been avidly watching the series this season. In fact, I think this has been my favorite edition of MasterChef Junior overall as there was such a great bunch of kids this time around—including one young chef from my own area, Andrew Zappley of West Deptford, New Jersey…