February 19, 2016 | Posted in Uncategorized | By Jason Sositko
How I discovered Motorkote
I have been a fan of the American Truckers Network radio program that originates out of Cincinnati Ohio. Usually I can last the first few hours of the show, as it starts Midnight Eastern time.
For many years, the makers of Motorkote would buy entire 4-5 hour blocks of programming on the late night radio program.
Basically the show was an infomercial for the product, but the quality of these shows were quite high due to the ATN hosts Steve Sommers or Bubba Bo. Also company spokesman Ed Gibbs, as Mr. Motorkote comes across as a genuine guy.
Check out Motorkote for yourself
These truckers would call in constantly talking about How great this product was”
Truckers love Motorkote
Over time the regulars were calling in and offering info on what they use the products on, or asking when the network would be going to have another infomercial so they could get special deals.
This really made me think, “Man this must really be a quality product”.
Honestly, I don’t see these veteran truckers being giddy with excitement over something they didn’t find useful. Everybody really seemed to think the friction fighter worked to make their gas and diesel engines run smoother.
What do I use Motorkote for
I own a compact car that typically gets 32/38 MPG. But after heavy use my little gas saver was not really doing all it could, it was running hot, and not idling well.
I put the Motorkote Hyper Lubricant in after my oil change, and it was not long I did notice a difference, mainly the idling was smoother right away, and I noticed the fan would not come on at all sometimes at a drive thru.
I also noticed my gas was lasting longer. Before the friction fighter, I would fill up and maybe get 300 Miles before the next 10 Gallons, now I would get 350 miles easy.
One time on an interstate trip, I squeezed 370 miles out of fill up. The friction fighter worked for me without a doubt.
I now use the Fuel Optimizer as well as the spray lubricant. I can promise you this, that Spray Lubricant
is the best by far I have ever used.
Before I forget:
Motorkote Hyper Lubricant only has to be used every 4th oil change, but better results have been reported with more frequent use, only you can judge for yourself.
What About Motorkote Fuel Optimizer Other Uses?
I started using the fuel optimizer after I thought the engine treatment did such a fine job. I honestly don’t know if my little gas saver is responding any better or not, we are not talking about a high performance engine or anything.
I did use it when It looked as if my 10-year-old lawn mower was passed the point of saving. I just put a cap full in with the tank of gas, primed and waited 15 minutes…
That sucker started up with ease, I had spent 2 days trying to start it, the fuel optimizer just blew that grime right out I guess? I suppose this is what it does for your car as well? I have done this with the mower for many summers in a row for that first spring start. I also use a few caps of the hyper lubricant mixed in with the oil.
Update May 2016:
After years of using the above mentioned Murray push lawn mower, I was forced to replace my old mower because of a non engine issue. The used lawn mower I replaced the Murray with was a 50 dollar Honda push mower.
The first 2 cuts without Motorkote mixed in seemed to be a gas hog, a little less than a 1/2 acre lot was using a full tank of gas. I noticed after the motorkote mixed with the oil, I now get 2 cuts per tank.
I realize this isn’t scientific, perhaps only a coincidence? I know I have not had a mower give me that type of use per gallon of gas before.
Update April 2018:
Still using this product, and yes I still stand by it. The fuel optimizer has made a difference in my Yaris, and my Wife’s Chevy Cobalt. Start ups improved, and I personally notice a difference in performance after using it in both cars.
Been using these products for over 6 years now
I still use these products in 2016, I feel like they do what they say they do. An engine with 130,000 miles still runs pretty well, and 12-15 bucks every 18 months or so for my one car is fine by me.
Salute the American truck driver:
Don’t forget those truck drivers out their hustling day and night over the road, many times working the holidays away from their families so we can enjoy stocked grocery shelves.
I marvel how the trucker keeps plugging away year after year with many times unreasonable Government regulations, these guys deserve a better deal, but yet they keep on truckin’ because it’s in their blood..
Don’t forget to read directions carefully
Don’t forget to read all the directions carefully for the Motorkote products you choose, make sure you have the exact product for the job you need it to do. You wouldn’t want to put the fuel optimizer where the hyper-lubricant is supposed to go, yeah don’t do that!
Photos used with permission via Amazon.com
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Jason Sositko
Jason Sositko, a freelance writer and entrepreneur is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I also use services such as Viglink and Skimlinks to earn income via links placed inside articles.
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September 22, 2017
I have a 2007 Mazda 6. Midas is telling me I need a water pump. It’s leaking antifreeze they showed me where it’s leaking at. Can I used Motor Kite 2 stop the leak,
Jason Sositko
September 22, 2017
Thanks for the comment Jackie. As far as I know MotorKote does not have a leak stopping product. The friction fighter would have the opposite effect I am affraid, its main use is to lubricate. So it would most likely make the problem worse. I suggest you go to the Motorkote website and see all the different products they have. Also, they have different products that do different things, and you need to be especially careful not use the wrong product for your need.
September 22, 2017
What does moderation mean.
Jason Sositko
September 22, 2017
Moderation is just a fancy way to say we approve comments before we let them go live, some people like to spam websites with all sorts of links to all sorts of sites and its just prudent to manually review all comments. Easier to do on smaller sites of course.
September 22, 2021
Have used MotorKote every 50 in my ’13 Edge since purchase @ 45000 miles, at 260000+ still purrs like new. Also use the fuel optimizer. I’d swear by it! Have used other mfr products w/ similar results, but my brother sold me on MK