Photograph by sockii
What is Spacial Anomaly?
A message from the site creator and administrator, sockii
For over two decades now, I have been actively involved in that wonderful, wide world known as “fandom”. Fandom for music groups, fandom for television series and other media products, and fandom in general as a community of wonderfully creative, artistic and supportive individuals. Throughout all of those years, one of my major pleasures has been organizing and designing platforms where my fannish friends could showcase their work and share it with others.
I started out by building small “fan pages” and organizing mailing lists. I went on to edit and publish numerous fanzines, then promoting them at conventions around the United States.
From those early fan pages I started building more elaborate, involved websites: fan fiction archives and wikis. Offered free hosting for personal pages for others. These are the things I enjoy contributing most in fandom and have lead to some of the most lasting friendships of my lifetime.
At the same time, in the past few years, I have become involved in content writing for various platforms as a way to earn extra income. This has been a wonderful field to explore as I could often combine my various fannish interests with subjects for my articles. But sometimes the quirkier, niche topics of my interest could get lost on larger content platforms amidst a sea of more general interest topics, the “mommy blogging” world of cupcakes and kids’ bedroom decor.
And so, that has lead me to this. To creating my own platform, once again. One that I hope can provide a new platform for both my fandom friends and associates and those I’ve met along the way in the content-creation world of sites like Squidoo, Zujava, Yahoo! Contributors Network, etc. I’m excited about the possibilities and hope you will be, too! If the idea intrigues, spend some time exploring, particularly about the kind of writers wanted for this site and the content guidelines.
So why not take a tour of the anomaly, and see where it may lead you?
August 2013
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