The Band Never Dances by J. D. Landis – Book Review
June 17, 2015 | Posted in YOUNG ADULT | By sockii

Judy Valentine has always loved music, and long felt a connection to rhythm, the beat, and the drums. Growing up she is closest to her older brother Jeffrey, whom no one in her family realizes is deeply troubled until he shockingly commits suicide…
Science Fiction Author Spins New Tales From the Classics
June 4, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, BOOKS, FANTASY, SCIENCE FICTION | By Nanci Arvizu

When I was a kid, on TV, there was Star Trek. Black and white and only at grandmas. For some reason, grandma got better channels than we did. She also got Gilligan’s Island, the Mickey Mouse Club and I Dream
Zombie, Illinois: A Novel by Scott Kenemore
February 17, 2015 | Posted in HORROR, PARANORMAL | By sockii

The zombie apocalypse has come to America. In fact, it seems to have originated somewhere here in the mid-west, near one of the largest cities in the United States: Chicago…
Book Review: Captive Prince Volume One by C. S. Pascat
February 16, 2015 | Posted in FANTASY, LGBT THEMES | By sockii

In the kingdom of Akielos, Prince Damen is a hero to his people. He is the rightful heir to the throne, but he is not without his enemies—including his own half-brother…
Queen Henry: A delightful novel on baseball, love and sexuality by Linda Fausnet
August 27, 2014 | Posted in LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

What if a pill could change a person’s sexuality? That’s the question at the heart of Queen Henry, the delightful debut novel by author Linda Fausnet. It’s also the question plaguing the novel’s protagonist…
“The Sparrow” and “Children of God” by Mary Doria Russell
July 13, 2014 | Posted in SCIENCE FICTION | By sockii

Father Emilio Sandoz is the only survivor of a Jesuit-organized mission to the Alpha Centauri star system, where radio signals have been discovered broadcasting beautiful, alien music. Four priests and four civilians set out and find the planet Rahkat, but what happened to them there?
“The Midwife of Venice” by Roberta Rich
July 7, 2014 | Posted in HISTORICAL | By sockii

Hannah Levi is known to be one of the most talented midwives in late 16th century Venice. She is also Jewish, and by law that means she is forbidden from attending to Christian mothers, no matter how great their needs for her talents. However…
Book review: “Beautiful Disaster” by J. M. Snyder
July 3, 2014 | Posted in LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

Corey and Ian are the members of 2ICE (pronounced “Twice”), the hottest pop-duo on the charts. Girls are throwing themselves at Corey and Ian’s feet every night after their concerts, and Corey seems to think nothing of…
Book Review: “Immortal” by Traci L. Slatton
June 30, 2014 | Posted in FANTASY, HISTORICAL | By sockii

When we first meet Luca Bastardo, the central character of Traci L. Slatton’s 2008 novel Immortal, he is awaiting execution—and it is a fate he is willing to accept after living a very rich life spanning nearly two centuries…
“American Love Songs” failed to rock my world
June 29, 2014 | Posted in LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

Once again, I found myself intrigued by an original gay romance novel set in the rock and roll world. And once again, I found myself disappointed by a book that failed to…