What is Fan Art?
July 20, 2015 | Posted in ART, CULTURE & HISTORY, FANDOM | By sockii

Fan art has been a part of fandom communities for decades. From “Star Trek” and “Star Wars” to “Twilight” and “Harry Potter”, fans of television series, movies, books, music and anime – or even of a media genre as a whole – have been creating pieces of art based on their favorite heroes and heroines for years.
10 Tips For Surviving Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Georgia
June 29, 2015 | Posted in CONVENTIONS | By sockii

Dragon*Con, held in Atlanta, Georgia over the Labor Day weekend, draws over thirty thousand attendees and is only getting bigger by the year. Fans of science-fiction, fantasy, film, comics, anime and music convene annually on downtown Atlanta to shop, attend
The Rudest Thing that I Have Ever Experienced as an Artist
June 19, 2015 | Posted in ART BUSINESS, CONVENTIONS | By sockii

Artists quickly learn that they need to develop a thick skin in order to make it in their chosen field. Teachers and mentors—at least the good ones—will give their students honest, if sometimes brutal, feedback on their artwork. Critics can be merciless…and the general public even more so…
Being a Convention Dealer: Tips and Advice for Getting Started in the Business
April 20, 2014 | Posted in CONVENTIONS | By sockii

Working the dealers room at various science fiction, fantasy, media or anime conventions can be a profitable part-time—or even full-time—business for many individuals and businesses. Whether you already have a physical storefront and are looking to expand your customer base…
Sexual Harassment and Assault at Dragon*Con 2010
July 15, 2010 | Posted in CONVENTIONS, COSTUMING & COSPLAY | By sockii

Following the 2010 Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Georgia, disturbing reports of sexual harassment and other assaults suffered by convention attendees have begun surfacing on the internet.