A Little Too Broken by Brad Vance is a little too banal
October 23, 2015 | Posted in LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

Jamie and Tom are two “broken” individuals. Jamie hasn’t been with anyone since his last (drug-pushing, abusively dominating) boyfriend infected him with HIV—he’s convinced he’s now unlovable and destined to be forever alone. Tom, who is former military, lost both of his legs in Afghanistan…
Buried in the “Sand” – Hugh Howey’s Disappointing Post-Apocalyptic World
October 12, 2015 | Posted in SCIENCE FICTION | By sockii

I recently read – more like devoured – author Hugh Howey’s “Silo Saga” books, an impressive trilogy that presented a truly unique post-apocalyptic vision of the future. I was so impressed by these books that I…
The Silo Saga by Hugh Howey
October 9, 2015 | Posted in SCIENCE FICTION | By sockii

I only recently discovered author Hugh Howey and his incredibly popular “Silo Saga” books, thanks to a recommendation from someone who knows my taste in science fiction. I downloaded the first title, Wool, based on the intriguing description—and the fact that it was a book with over 10,000 customer reviews, most of them extremely positive…
Book Review: Roughing It by Holden Wells
June 28, 2015 | Posted in LGBT THEMES | By sockii

Scott Thompson is an adrenaline junkie. Being the guitarist in a extremely popular metal band isn’t enough for him; he’s always on the lookout for a new thrill…
Science Fiction Author Spins New Tales From the Classics
June 4, 2015 | Posted in AUTHORS, BOOKS, FANTASY, SCIENCE FICTION | By Nanci Arvizu

When I was a kid, on TV, there was Star Trek. Black and white and only at grandmas. For some reason, grandma got better channels than we did. She also got Gilligan’s Island, the Mickey Mouse Club and I Dream
“Unexpected Family” by Nate Tanner: An unexpectedly sweet romance
April 8, 2014 | Posted in BOOKS, LGBT THEMES, ROMANCE | By sockii

If you’re in the mood for a sweet romance about finding love when you’re not looking for it, Unexpected Family by Nate Tanner makes for an easy day’s read and just might fit the bill…