Dare To Drum: Film Premiere and Review from the Dallas International Film Festival
April 22, 2015 | Posted in DOCUMENTARY, LIVE MUSIC, ORCHESTRAL MUSIC | By from the archives

When Stewart Copeland first formed the Police, “Stewart decided to form a new band fashioned on the vibe and energy of punk music,” according to a blurb from the bio on his official website. Stewart has approached virtually every project since with that same sensibility…
Going Off the Score with Stewart Copeland and Jon Kimura Parker
April 2, 2015 | Posted in CLASSICAL, JAZZ, LIVE MUSIC | By sockii

An impressive ensemble of talented, diverse musicians recently completed a 5-date tour of college concert halls across the United States. Led by legendary drummer and composer Stewart Copeland and award-winning pianist Jon Kimura Parker, the band led listeners “Off the Score” with an energetic, challenging and varied collection of music that ranged from Igor Stravinsky to Paul Schoenfield, from re-interpreted Police songs to newly-commissioned classical work.
Before They Were The Police: Stewart Copeland, Sting and Andy Summers
September 22, 2014 | Posted in CLASSIC ROCK, PROGRESSIVE ROCK | By sockii

Before The Police became one of the top pop-rock acts of the early 1980s, each member of the band had already been involved in the music industry for a considerable amount of time. Bassist/singer Sting, drummer Stewart Copeland and guitarist Andy Summers were all talented musicians, yet their…
Book Review: Chris Campion’s Walking on the Moon: The Untold Story of the Police and the Rise of New Wave Rock
August 24, 2014 | Posted in CLASSIC ROCK, NON-FICTION | By sockii

Chris Campion’s Walking on the Moon: The Untold Story of the Police and the Rise of New Wave Rock is, quite easily, the most negatively-toned rock “biography” – and I use that term very lightly in this case – I can recall ever reading. While there is some interesting information contained within the book’s 300 pages, each of those pages is so thoroughly laced with…
Oysterhead: A Brief Introduction
August 23, 2014 | Posted in ROCK | By sockii

Oysterhead is the curious musical supergroup composed of three very different artists and personalities: guitarist Trey Anastasio (best known for his work with Phish), bassist Les Claypool (of Primus), and drummer Stewart Copeland (The Police, Animal Logic, and other bands)…
Book Review: Secret Police Man By Henry Padovani
August 22, 2014 | Posted in NON-FICTION, ROCK | By sockii

Those interested in the punk and new wave music scene of London in the late 70s and early 80s should find an interesting perspective in “Secret Police Man”, the autobiography of The Police’s first guitarist, Henry Padovani…
Stewart Copeland’s Orchestral Ben-Hur is a Visual and Musical Triumph
April 22, 2014 | Posted in CLASSICS, LIVE MUSIC, ORCHESTRAL MUSIC | By sockii

Saturday night in Norfolk, Stewart Copeland rocked the house with the premiere of his Orchestral Ben-Hur. The extravaganza featured Copeland on stage himself, alternating between drumkit and percussion rack alongside the 60-member Virginia Arts Festival Orchestra…
Classic TV Rewind: The Equalizer
March 22, 2014 | Posted in CULT TV | By sockii

Another great action series of the 80s, one which had a more thoughtful and serious tone than many others of the decade, was The Equalizer. The series ran for four seasons on the CBS network, from 1985 – 1989, and
Stewart Copeland’s Orchestral Ben-Hur Set for World Premiere in 2014
November 7, 2013 | Posted in LIVE MUSIC, ORCHESTRAL MUSIC | By sockii

Scoring New Music to the 1925 Silent Film Classic Fans of musician and composer Stewart Copeland, mark your calendars and clear your plans for Easter weekend in 2014. On April 19 he will be performing with the Virginia Arts Festival
Dare to Drum Kickstarter: Help fund a documentary on D’Drum and Stewart Copeland
September 13, 2013 | Posted in MUSIC | By sockii

Do You “Dare to Drum”? Join the Kickstarter Campaign to help this documentary project make it to the screen. Would you be interested in helping to fund a fascinating documentary project, and have the chance for some really great rewards